Our journey to find the cause.

My husband Zach was 33 years old when he was diagnosed with stage 3 colorectal cancer. This was tragic and shocking news. Zach was very concerned to leave me with five young children to raise alone.

Together, we fervently asked the questions, “Why did a young and active body allow cancer to grow? How did his immune system not catch this? Why were his cells working against him?” Every doctor we met with, said the same thing, “bad luck and genes”. We knew that quick answer was not the whole truth. Zach canceled the port placement, denied the chemotherapy and never did radiation. After a year of healing his body with holistic therapies, detoxing from toxins and removing infected root canals, he had surgery to remove the tumor.

He is currently showing no evidence of disease!

Labie Wellness is here to help you on your own journey to finding the root cause. Subscribe to my email and stay up to date with our research. As I learn new tools and resources, I will share them with you!